Sunday, April 24, 2011

Book It! - April

Surprise! It's now 1am and I am blogging, what what?! I decided to post a blog whilst I am able to use the computer at home, in short, my brother is asleep. Anyway, I just finished reading The Lost Hero by Rick Gordon and one word, AMAZE! Absolutely hooked to the very last page although I am quite disappointed as it did not end the way I wanted to. But all in all it is an amazing read. Okay okay that's all I will be saying 'cause I don't want to ruin it for anyone who's going to read it. But I truly recommend. The next book "The Son of Neptune" will be out on Fall 2011, can't wait!!!

I'm now reading my 2nd book, "Delirium". I am half way through but the plot making me a bit crazy -no pun intended- . I still couldn't figured out what the story is about and maybe that is the key because it keeps me reading. Oh well, I'll let you know about that when I'm done.

On a happier note, I got me a new bookie this morning "The White Queen" by Philippa Gregory. I've heard great reviews about this book and so would like to see/read for myself. The counterpart book is "The Red Queen" which I almost got as well but I decided to finish the White Queen first before I pile up my To Read stack. Philippa Gregory's books are more of a history genre. One of her famous book was The Other Boleyn Girl. I'm pretty excited about my Philippa Gregory journey. I have a feeling I will fall in love with her. LOL

As for my Georgia Nicholson series, I'm on my 5th series. Still reading that, and unfortunately it's kind of wearing out on me. I guess it is sinking in that the whole series is a totally nonsense. LOL but then again I always end up finishing the book despite not liking it, I kind of want to give them a chance and maybe be regret later on? hehe

So that sums up my book adventure for April.

*Pardon me for this complete random post. Next time, promise to write something worth reading haha *

jCel ♥