Monday, September 2, 2013

Road to Healthy - 2nd update

Well what do you know… my phone just alarmed that it’s time for me to do my Road to Healthy update today! Oh how time flies, it has been 4 months since my last update and also can you believe it's already September? I honestly feel like we've just started the year. BER months usually fly by extremely fast I think it is because everyone is excited about Christmas and New Year ahead, I know I am!

Anyway, let’s see how I did in the last 4 months.

May goal was to be emotionally healthy but before I go any further I just want to say, I tried. I really (really) tried but sadly – no pun intended – I did not cry. I watched every suggested movie but none of them brought me to tears in the slightest. So unfortunately I did not succeed in my May goal but I still plan to find a movie that will bring me to tears so I’m still open for suggestions.

For my June goal, I said I wanted to eat less junk food. And the verdict: SUCCESS! My junk food cravings have lessened dramatically. I initially thought this would be a toughie because I am big junkie and chocolates are my (sweetest) weakness. Nowadays I can go by weeks without them. Although I still succumb to a few cravings every now and then but unlike before I would -and could- eat chocolates everyday.  

July was the start of my brown rice journey and with this I started cooking again. The brown rice was initially a debacle at home since my brother refuses to eat it but I stood my ground and he no longer sees the difference now. I was extremely happy my family had joined my brown rice journey as it really much healthier plus the fact that I started cooking again is really great as I find that whenever I cook I tend to eat less (big plus!!!).

Now for August I aimed to exercise. This was something I was really hesitant about because I know myself and I am not an active person. But I told myself, I’m not going to get any healthier by just slouching on the couch so… lo and behold I am exercising (!) so much so that I've been doing it 2-3 times a week for the whole month of August. *Gives self a (big fat) pat on the back* I never thought I’d be able to make it but really hard work and motivation is all you need. I started by doing simple exercises, which you can freely find in YouTube (my saving grace!). At most my exercises are 10-15 minutes long but if I have time or energy I will push myself to a 30-45 exercise. I will not call them “workouts” because they are just simple movements to keep you active a.k.a sweaty. Plus the word “workout” puts in too much pressure for me hehe. So far I am really enjoying the exercises I found and it has become kind of an obsession looking out new routines to do. I think the key is to switch things up and make it as fun as possible. What I do is mix a bit of cardio, stretching and some Yoga every now and then. My favorites to watch in YouTube are Fitness Blender, Blogilates and Feel Fit.  

So now for my future Goals…

I wanted to push myself a little harder so for September I wanted to try and exercise at least 4-5 days a week. Nothing too extreme just simple exercises, unless of course I feel like doing more. But I think this should be a good next level goal in my being active.

For October I want to train myself to eating healthy that is not to say I will be converting my meals to Green juices. No, I am not up for that and I don’t plan to. I just want to cook healthier meals.

By this month I actually hope (and pray) I have completed my 50 books challenge. At the moment I am 38 books away so I need to double time my reading this BER months!

I don’t think I would be able to stop myself from eating this month because really December is the month of FEASTS! However I wanted to do something different this year and force myself to give out more personal, homemade gifts. Hopefully they will appreciate this more as this involves time, effort, creativity and LOVE –in other words I want to give them less pricey gifts ahaha

Let’s hope I will be able to keep this up and really if I can do it so can you and it is never too late to start being healthy!

Till my next update…

